Why Hire A Coach?

More than 50% of college graduates end up taking a job that doesn’t require a college degree.

Most of them remain underemployed 10 years later.

See “Talent Disrupted: College Graduates, Underemployment and the Way Forward” (Feb 2024)

Finding a job after graduation is harder than ever, and students need all the help they can get.

Career service teams on campuses across the U.S. are aware of these challenges and are doing what they can. But the reality is, they are very often understaffed and overbooked and can devote very little time to support any one student.

Today, the ratio of students to career services staff at colleges and universities is approximately 2,200 to 1. And it’s unreasonable to ask parents to fill that gap.

This is where a career coach can help.

Why choose
Guided Ascent?

Our coaching meets young job seekers where they are and outfits them with the tools and strategies they need to make a strong impression to hiring firms and secure more job offers.

We’ll help you:

• Specify target roles and focus your search

Boost your confidence

• Build a strong candidate profile

• Craft a compelling personal narrative

• Develop an effective networking plan

• Learn the keys to successful interviewing

Prepare for upcoming job interviews

We train our clients to navigate the path with confidence and efficiency — so they can secure a job faster.

Check out our service offerings and schedule a free consultation to see how we can help.