Our Services

  • Personalized Coaching

    1-on-1 coaching options to prepare students and young professionals for a successful job search

  • International Students

    Job search coaching for international students looking to launch a career in the U.S.

  • University Speaking Engagements

    Leading discussions with students and faculty on the key strategies and tools needed to navigate today’s job market

  • Corporate Partnerships

    Partnering with employers to ensure their hires show up with confidence and professionalism

Coaching Plans

We are big believers in the benefits of 1-on-1, personalized coaching, and we offer multiple options designed to meet our clients where they are on their career-building path.

Our most comprehensive six-month and full-year coaching options give college and grad students (and their families) the peace of mind that comes from knowing they will receive high-frequency mentoring from a business veteran who has spent decades refining strategies that lead to more offers for internships and full-time jobs.

We also offer more limited, “bootcamp-like” coaching options designed to refine career focus, improve a resume, and provide tools and strategies for more successful networking and interviews.

International Students

For international students attending university in the U.S., the cultural nuances in how we communicate in a job search — through resumes, cover letters, networking and interviews — often create a feeling of needing to “catch up” with peers raised in the U.S. This is where an experienced coach can help. 

Curtis has traveled the world for both business and pleasure, including two years living abroad as a student. He understands firsthand the challenges of adapting to a different culture. 

The coaching packages we offer international students are similar to our standard packages, but are adapted to include an important overlay of “cultural coaching,” to bridge the gap with their peers and prepare international job seekers for a U.S. job search.

University Speaking Engagements

We specialize in offering practical advice to students on navigating their job search and presenting the most compelling version of themselves to prospective employers. The strategies we share can be applied to an internship or full-time job search in most any field.

We also enjoy engaging larger audiences on the key strategies and tools we teach in our coaching practice. Our goal is to assist as many young job seekers as we can, and we welcome the opportunity to visit your campus to connect with students and faculty on the topic of improving students’ career readiness. We are open to a variety of forms of engagement, from workshops with specific groups to campus-wide presentations.

Click here to set up a call to discuss the possibilities…

Corporate Partnership

How we can help?

The benefits of our coaching services accrue not only to our student clients and their families, but also to the employers they work for after graduation. As an employer, you need your new hires to show up on day one with confidence, maturity, and an ability to engage the world with focus and professionalism. But so often, that’s not how it turns out.

In our full-year coaching mentorships, significant time is given to teaching our clients how to present themselves in a professional manner, with confidence, be it through in-person or on-screen meetings or written communications. These skills can be taught and improved with practice — for the benefit of job seekers and their future employers.

Let’s work together.

We welcome the opportunity to partner with employers to offer coaching to your young professionals or to make our coaching services and content available to the students at colleges and universities of your choosing.

Click here to set up a free consultation to discuss how our services can help elevate our new grads and prepare them for successful careers.

The skills you need are the skills we teach:





We give students the skills and guidance they need to start their careers with confidence.

Reach out to find out how.