Coaching Plans
for Internship & Job Searches

Choose the coaching plan that’s right for you

Current Students Recent Grads
What’s Included Kickstart Internship
Job Search
Job Search
Updated your candidate profile:
Resume, Cover Letter, Personal Narrative
Set career path / Focus the search /
Identify the skills required
Interviewing tools & strategies /
Zoom and In-Person skills
On-Going Coaching
During Your Job Search
Interview Prep
High Frequency Coaching for
Expedited Search


Build a compelling candidate profile and set yourself up for a successful search.

Job Search Kickstart

Best suited for college and grad students preparing to enter the job market and launch their careers.

Includes three 1-hour Zoom sessions:

Session 1 - 60 minutes

  • Choosing the right path

    => passion, strengths, skills

  • Focusing the search / Identifying target roles and the skills required

  • Resume and cover letter review (starting with AI)

Session 2 - 60 minutes

  • Finalize resume & cover letter
    (edits made between sessions)

  • Develop personal narrative

  • => the opportunity to win the
    interview in the first 5 minutes

Session 3 - 60 minutes

  • Interview coaching:

  • professionalism, confident humility

  • Zoom presence, in-person

  • Effective networking (LinkedIn, direct emailing)

Note: Recording and call summary provided after each session


High School Kickstart

Best suited for high school juniors and seniors preparing to attend college.

Includes two 1-hour Zoom sessions:

Session 1 - 60 minutes

College major discussion

Interests, strengths, skills, and real-world outcomes

Intro to resume

Interview strategies & tools

Session 2 - 60 minutes

Resume completion

College and internship interview prep

Strategies for Zoom and in-person interviews

Intro to AI for internship and job searches

Note: Recording and call summary provided after each session


Additional bundles of coaching hours may be purchased

after the completion of any one of our plans

Choose one of our Guided Job Search Plans and save

Internship Search Coaching

For Students

“…Instantly, I began to see results as I secured the interviews and internship opportunities I had previously struggled to achieve before working with Curtis from Guided Ascent."

— Ryan, Class of 2026

Everything in our 3-session
Job Search Kickstart
Learn more

  • Plus: 5 Extra 1-hour coaching sessions

    • Ongoing internship guidance — when you need it

    • to identify target roles and submit professional quality applications

    • to supercharge your networking to create more opportunities

    • to practice interviewing for your target roles

  • Recording and call summary provided after each session

  • Add’l bundles of coaching sessions available after completion of plan

Full-Time Job Search Coaching

For Students

“Having Curtis strategize with me before important interviews was the edge I needed to stand out and receive multiple job offers.”

- Leslie, Class of 2024

Everything in our 3-session
Job Search Kickstart
Learn more

  • Plus: 10 Extra 1-hour coaching sessions

    • Ongoing job search guidance — when you need it

    • to identify target roles and submit professional quality applications

    • to supercharge your networking to create more opportunities

    • to practice interviewing for your target roles

  • Recording and call summary provided after each session

  • Add’l bundles of coaching sessions available after completion of plan

30-Day Intensive
Job Search

For Grads

“The work I did with Curtis and Guided Ascent was a main factor in securing an offer for an incredibly competitive program at a top Wall Street firm. Without his coaching, I would not have been able to showcase my unique qualities in my interviews."

— Julianne, Class of 2024

Everything in our 3-session
Job Search Kickstart Learn more

  • Plus: 8 Extra 1-hour coaching sessions

    (2x per week)

    • High frequency coaching to expedite your job search

    • to identify target roles and submit professional quality applications

    • to supercharge your networking to create more opportunities

    • to practice interviewing for your target roles

  • Recording and call summary provided after each session

  • Add’l bundles of coaching sessions available after completion of plan

All of our Guided Job Search Plans can be customized to suit your needs.

Schedule a Free Consultation to design a coaching plan that’s right for you